Board of Trustees

  • LtGen Jack W. Klimp- Acting Chairman

    General Klimp held multiple command and staff positions including operational tours in Vietnam, Korea, Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and in Somalia where he commanded Task Force Mogadishu. From 1993 to 1995 he was the Commanding General at Parris Island. His last assignment was Deputy Commandant of the Marine Corps, Manpower and Reserve Affairs.

    Since his retirement from the Marine Corps, he has led a number of non-profit organizations as President and Chief Executive Officer, including drug rehabilitation programs at Phoenix House and Second Genesis. Upon learning of his selection, General Klimp said, “It is a distinct privilege and honor to be asked to lead the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, its dedicated, compassionate volunteers and permanent staff, in providing support to our Marines, Sailors and their families in need.”

  • Col Robert Daday- Vice President

    Colonel Robert P. Daddy Jr. has spent more than 40 years dedicating himself to his community through the United States Marine Corps and the Marine Corps League at the detachment and department level. Today, he maintains a law practice in Allentown, PA where he resides with his wife and two daughters.

  • COL Christian P.M. Klinefelter- Treasurer

    Colonel Klinefelter has served on the USMYF Board for over 35 years. His service career started as a Marine infantry officer in 1975 and terminated with his retirement from the Corps of Engineers in 2020 after more than 25 years of deployments and serving over 10 years in combat.

  • Leanna Dietrich- Corporate Secretary

    Former MCL Foundation of Pennsylvania, Board Member

    Chapel of Four Chaplains, Board Member

    Former NE Division Vice Commandant, MCL

    Past Department of Pennsylvania Commandant, MCL

    Past Chief Devil Dog, MODD

  • Col Michael Becker- Director

    Michael D. "Mo" Becker, Ph.D. served 28 years as an Officer of Marines followed by service with Milton Hershey School as Senior Director of Special Projects, and the Senior Director of Enrollment Management and Family Relations. In 2013 he earned his doctorate from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. His dissertation is titled: "We Make Marines: Organizational Socialization and the Effects of The Crucible on the Values Orientation of Recruits during U.S. Marine Corps Recruit Training."

  • SgtMaj Devell Durham Jr.- Director

    SgtMaj Devell ‘Bull’ Durham Jr. served 31 years in the USMC where he was deployed to many foreign locations such as South Korea, Japan, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, Philippines, Afghanistan, and many more.

  • Col James Flynn- Director

    Col Flynn was commissioned in 1969 and was trained as an artillery officer. He has served in all four Marine divisions over his career. Following retirement, he worked for GM Defense & General Dynamics as Business Director. He currently resides outside Knoxville, Tennessee

  • Dr. John Pfeiffer- Director

    Dr. John Pfieffer retired from teaching after 38 years in Allentown, PA. His time as a high school wrestling coach and physical fitness coach for the US Marines led him to his position on the Board of Directors for the US Marines Youth Foundation.

  • Howard Schaeffer- Director

    Howard Schaeffer was an active Marine before becoming a successful real estate agent with RE/MAXX. He is currently the president of the National Marine Corps League Foundation and the National Chaplain of the Marine Corps League.

  • Randy Rigg- Director

    Randall Rigg, from Tyler, Texas served in the USMC from 1947-1977. He later joined the Marine Corps League in 1991 where he held multiple office positions at the detachment, department, and national level. He is now retired after working as an engineer in the HVAC industry for over 40 years.

  • Alford L. McMichael- Director

    Alford served his country for more than 36 years on active duty in the armed forces. In 1999 he was appointed the 14th Sergeant Major of the United States Marine Corps League. He was also appointed as the first noncommissioned officer for NATO. Today, Alford is a business owner, published author, husband, and father of two daughters.